LGTQ is God's answer to Idolatry.

In other words, homosexuals and various versions of it is God's response to the breaking of the first commandment.

The 1st Commandment

Exo 20:2-6

"I am the LORD your God, Who have brought you out of the land of Egypt,

out of the house of bondage.

You will have no other gods before me. You will not make any graven image,

or any likeness of anything

that is in heaven above,

or that is in the earth beneath,

or that is in the water under the earth:

You will not bow down to them,

nor serve them:

For I, the Lord your God am a jealous God,

visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation

of them that hate me;

And showing mercy to thousands

of them that love me

and keep my commandments.


Visiting the iniquities

of the parents ...

Rom 1:23

They changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator,

Who is blessed for ever. Amen.
For this cause God gave them up

to embarrassing affections.

For even their women changed the natural use into that which is against germination:
And likewise also the men,

leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one towards another; men with men working that

which is unseemly,

and thus receiving in themselves

that requital of their error(idolatry),

which was suitable.



Homosexuality is not caused

by wrong parenting

neither by a mental illness,

neither by demonic possession,

neither by child molestation,

neither by rape,

individuals did not do this to themselves or chose it out of rebellion.

It was decreed by God ...

God gave them up to it (verses 24 & 26)

It will happen to the children

up to the 3rd & 4th generation.

Like other inheritable

genetic alterations,

just more rampant

because, idolatry is more rampant.

Some may see it as a curse from God,

however, it may not be a curse

because, gay people are male and female


Jesus said in the Kingdom of Heaven

we will be like the angels,

gender-less or both genders integrated.

Thus gay people,

in their specific biological composition

reflect, almost like a prophecy

the image of the new creature,

who will be like Jesus when they see Him.

Jesus, the gender-less Groom 

to a bride, made up of those who were once male or female 'halves'

but who will then be whole in Jesus

as new creatures.

Another aspect is that when people look at gays to judge & condemn them,

they completely miss the real issue,

and that is to recognize idolatry

and repent from idolatry.

Homosexuals are indicators of

idolatry in a family or society,

thus perhaps, though embarrassing,

a harmless necessity to bring us back to

obeying & honoring God FIRST. 


PS: I don't think that Romans 1: 28 - 32

relates to the homosexual issue, 

because of 2 reasons:

1. They knew God, but did not worship Him as God, and they served & obeyed creatures MORE than God. Meaning they did retain Him in their knowledge.

2. Verses 28 - 32 describe people who did not WANT TO retain God in their knowledge, perhaps like atheists.

Another condition was decreed to them,

a reprobate mind,

filled with many sins, however

not foreign to the average human.

Nevertheless, The Spirit of God can get through to anyone and save anyone

for eternal life.

Jesus paid the penalty & price for all

with His innocent death on the cross.

Gratefulness and honor to Jesus.


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